Welcome to the Sacred Order of the Stonftcutters, who since its beginning have split the rocks of ignorance that obscure the light of knowledge and truth.

Tonight we are here to commemorate our glorious society's birth, and in honor of this momentous occasion... let's all get drunk and play ping-pong!

Tōtus Ad Astra,

Stonftcutters is an exclusive, select, and limited society of NFT enthusiasts and meme lovers. As our motto says, we aim to reach the stars, our success, together as a whole.

Members don't use their name. They are known by the number assigned when joined. Number One (#1) is our founder and leader.

There will only be 1000 genesis members, forever, who will enjoy very important advantages over ordinary mortals. If you manage to join (not easy), you will be part of the elite.


The rewards are vast


The indispensable condition to become a Stonftcutter is to own one of the NFT membership passes. Each of them is unique and has the member number engraved on it. Lower-numbered passes are more desirable as they give a higher seniority rank.

As members, some of our traditions involve choosing and wearing a Venetian mask as well as a black robe.


Unfortunately, not everyone can be a Stonftcutter. To get an original minted NFT membership, you must surpass three tests:



The Society announces and lists the next available pass on OpenSea. Interested users must submit a symbolic offer and have already completed the Zealy quests.



During the time specified for the listing, both the offers received and the Zealy leaderboard are considered to determine which candidate will be awarded the pass.



Finally, the Society chooses a winner and submits a private offer so they can accept it and become an official Stonftcutter. The next pass is announced, and the cycle continues...


Max Members
Issued Memberships
  • Launch date: 5th October, 2024
  • Verified contract: 0xE9f372694422800Ca3d7E081FcAd5f5a0277b729
  • Max Supply: 1000
  • Price: simply demonstrate your genuine interest in the project
  • Settlement of new members kicks off the next
  • 1 pass per wallet - don't be greedy
  • No gas war, no botted mint, no VCs, no unlocks... Relax
  • Required Zealy quests.

These are the OG PFPs of some of the most reputable Stonftcutters. They were here from the beginning and helped make our society what it is today.

You can check the entire member list here.


Who is Number One?

Everybody asks that question and nobody knows the answer. The founder was always there, from the beginning of time and he will be until the end of the days. Praise be.

Rumors around tell that maybe Satoshi is behind Stonftcutters. Others say that Elon Musk could be the #1. We have even heard about Elvis. Time will tell...

Are the conspiracy theories I've heard about you true?

Some sources claim that our society plays a role in a global conspiracy for world control.

There have even been rumors that Stonftcutters is a branch of the Illuminati, adapting to modern times and technologies.

Well, you'll have to discover it by yourself as we don't speak about these matters outside our organization, sorry.

What does your badge and motto mean?

In the center of our badge you can see a special tool that we refer to as the nfteracto, which is composed of a key, which represents the necessary access to our society as a member as well as the key to the knowledge that our organization accumulates. At the other extreme we can distinguish a hammer, a symbol of the work necessary to apply that knowledge and achieve results. Both extremes come together, making them a whole, and thus forming the acronym NFT, on which our society is based.

Our motto says in latin: all together/all at a once/all as a whole, to the stars/to success.

Why should i join?

Because this is not your usual NFT mint/project.

Not everyone can join, it's hard and exclusive. We don't want members who doesn't share our long term vision about building a strong community and brand.

We want talent to build together in the future new projects that could benefit every Stonftcutter.

Remember, the most valuable asset in crypto is a strong community.


No roadmap.

No financial expectations.

This is simply a community for fun. What it can become is up to all of its members.

Do we really have those privileges?

Not all, but only for now. However, from the beginning, you can enjoy having one of the only unique NFT memberships that will ever exist and it comes with a pretty cool own email address personalized with your member number (ex: 4@stonftcutters.com for member #4). When you send an email from that address, the receiver will know who has the real power.

We are working together on all new ideas that our members suggest to make our society almighty.

Why no the usual free mint?

After long experience with lots of communities and NFT projects, we have confirmed that a free mint is not in the best interest of our community.

We want people dedicated to the project, we share our vision and long term plans, and that does not come from the traditional free mint.

Remember, the exclusivity of this club is not achieved by just paying a trivial membership fee, but by what you can contribute to the project. If you don't show interest in joining and have nothing to contribute, your application will not be accepted and you will not be able to join.

How exactly does the membership process work?

1. The Society announces and lists the next available pass on OpenSea. Interested users must submit a symbolic offer and have already completed the Zealy quests.

2. During the time specified for the listing, both the offers received and the Zealy leaderboard are considered to determine which candidate will be awarded the pass.

3. Finally, the Society chooses a winner and submits a private offer so they can accept it and become an official Stonftcutter. The next pass is announced, and the cycle continues...

How do we get our own email address?

After purchasing the NFT, the owner will receive the details to access their own personal Stonftcutters email via the Blockscan chat from our verified stonftcutters.eth official address.

Since then, buyer will now control the inbox and be in charge of the transfer if they ever sell the NFT. We suggest changing the initial password. Also, take in consideration that #1 will always have the power to change the password per their admin privileges of email hosting, and could access emails. This feature won't be used that way but we also suggest not sharing sensitive content with that address. Instead, give it casual use with friends and relatives to show your new elite status.

We plan to issue ENS subdomains in the future. Still under consideration.

How do I get in contact?

You can find us on Twitter if you follow the icon at the top and bottom of this page.

Also, you can send us an email here,